Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 452 - Run & X2 Yoga

I slept a bit better last night and didn't need anything like Benadryl to help me fall asleep (thankfully).  Not sure if that's because I was super tired or because of the changes in eating I made.  I'm hoping it was the latter.  I'm continuing to reduce my caffeine intake and my protein intake just to be safe.  I got in a great 5k run at lunch today in a new best time of 25:43 (8:15/mile).  Yoga was good tonight.  I focused on stretching positions like downward dog a lot tonight and I could feel the difference that makes.  I'm well below calories so far today (0nly at 1800 so far) for a day with two workouts.  I can't imagine I'm going to each 600 calories in the next hour right before going to bed, so I'll have to make up some of it tomorrow.

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