Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 242 - X2 Yoga

I was mainly off from work today because my son needed to have his wisdom teeth out and I spent the day taking care of home because Kristi had classes.  The only reason I mention it is that it was a lot of time sitting around thinking about what I wanted to eat next.  The capper is that we had a fondue night for dinner to celebrate Ashley's 20th birthday.  I tried to be good by eating a lot of the carrots and broccoli and beef instead of the bread and cheese dip.  So, it was a fight all day to try to keep the calories in check.  I did okay, but honestly I'm guessing on calories on some of this stuff.  X2 Yoga was pretty good. I didn't sweat as much as I have at times before, but I wasn't exactly slacking either.

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