Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 174 - Rest Day

I had a hard time sleeping last night.  Apparently going to bed right after a stressful workout was not a good idea.  My body was in full on "burn" mode and I was hot all night to the point where I couldn't sleep.  I had this same feeling once before after an especially strenuous day of working out.  Good thing today is a rest day so that I can recover. I got a real nice nap today, so I'm now feeling much better. I weighed in this morning and I'm now at 144 lbs. (down a total of 44), so progress continues.  Today for lunch Rich and I took our Dad to a Chinese buffet where they had a Mongolian BBQ, which was pretty good and fairly healthy since I included shrimp and vegetables.  I did have one indulgence and had some mint chocolate chip ice cream (not much). For dinner I kept it real light.  Salad and some turkey breast meat.

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