Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 67 - X2 Yoga

As always, I really enjoyed the Yoga workout.  I was sweating buckets by the time I was done and felt really refreshed.  As far as seeing a change lately, I'm not seeing as much.  I keep thinking that I should still be losing some weight, but I'm holding steady at 160 right now and the bit of fat around the abs is still very much there.  I am hesitant to cut back too much more on calories because it would make life kind of miserable.  Then I came to a realization.  The goal of being in perfect shape at the end of 90 days is not really what I am trying for here.  The 90 days of P90X2 is really just about setting the foundation for a life change.  Over time the changes will continue to come and I need to just relax about everything happening in 90 days.  I really am enjoying the journey and hope to continue to for a very long time.

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