Monday, March 31, 2014
Day 720 - X2 Chest + Back + Balance (1/2)
I did my normal workout tonight for a Monday. To be a bit different I did it without the CD playing tonight since I have he workout sheet and know the moves by heart. I too it at a bit more relaxed of a pace tonight and watched a TV show while I was working out. It allowed me to get more reps done because I wasn't pushing the pace. I can tell that staying focused on phase 2 is working for me. Chest and arms are increasing in size some. Woohoo.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Day 719 - Hybrid workout
Tonight I decided to make up my own hybrid workout. For those that are
familiar with X2, I substituted rounds 2 and 4 of Plyocide with two
rounds of Shoulders & Arms. Consider it a slightly different form
of a killer Base & Base workout. That was way harder than I thought it would be, but it was a really good workout.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Day 718 - X2 Ab Ripper
Tonight I started my workout by finishing up the workout from last night and then did Ab Ripper afterward. I usually do Ab Ripper first, but decided to do it afterward. I was surprised by how much harder it was to do it after the upper body workout. I think I like to it first.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Day 717 - X2 Chest + Back + Balance (part 1)
It's Monday and I'm on my normal (current) schedule of 2/3 of this workout with the plan to finish it up tomorrow with Ab Ripper. I noticed that Shoulder's + Arms are pretty tough on my left shoulder. I think I may find out that I should limit how often I do that one. Or I may need to modify to avoid doing the Arnold Press move. It's just a bit too tough on my shoulders. Tonight's workout was good. I increased reps on a couple of moves.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Day 716 - 5K morning run & X2 Shoulders + Arms
Weather is finally starting to warm up. It's 4:00 in the afternoon as I write this and it's 65 degrees outside. I went for my run this morning at about 8:30 and it was just under 40 degrees at that point. I did my usual 5K. I was hoping to try the trail, but I suspect it's still too sloppy to try it yet because of all of the melting of snow. Getting back into a workout rhythm seems to be helping because I didn't have any issues getting the run completed today. I didn't have to stop during the run, so that's an improvement since the last run I did two weeks ago. Tonight I also did Shoulders + Arms. It's been literally 4 months since I last did this workout because of my back issues. Now that my back is feeling better I decided to give it a go again. It seemed to go okay. Not too many issues. I was a bit careful about not overdoing it.
Day 715 - X2 Yoga
Last night we went to the mall food court for dinner. As usual Kristi and I got our salads from SaladWorks and our son Stephen got a bacon double cheese burger and fries from five guys. He tries to work out with P90X2, but I don't think he quite gets the idea of eating healthy. Must be good to be 17 years old. Yoga was great. I got through it with no issue.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Day 714 - X2 Plyocide
I got in a good Plyocide workout tonight. I was sweating up a storm by the time I was done. I weighed in this morning and am still at 145, so I still need to get that number down a bit, but I'm also noticing that I'm getting some of the muscle back now that I'm back into more of a routine with the workouts. Tomorrow I plan to do X2 Yoga. I didn't do it last week and I'm sorry that I didn't it's too beneficial to be skipping it.
Day 713 - Ab Ripper
I forgot to post this workout. On Tuesday I finished the workout that I started on Monday and then did Ab Ripper. Not a tough night, but definitely beneficial.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Day 712 - X2 Chest + Back + Balance
I did my normal Monday workout, but switched things up a bit by listing to an audio book while doing it. It was a simple thing to do since I have a count of reps for each of the moves and could almost recite the workout verbatim anyway. I increased reps on a couple of the moves tonight, so I'm happy about that. Eating is also going well so far today. My goal this week is at least 4 days of working out (hopefully 5).
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Day 711 - X2 Base + Back
It's been a few days since I last worked out, so it felt good to get back at it. Base + Back is a tough workout and as I sit here writing this ( the day following) I can feel it in my legs and back side. This coming week I need to do a better job of making the workouts a more regular thing.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Day 710 - X2 Ab Ripper
I finished up the workout from last night and then did Ab Ripper. Good workout tonight.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Day 709 - Chest + Back + Balance
I took the night off last night, so I got n the first half of the workout tonight instead. I plan to finish it up tomorrow night along with Ab Ripper. I weighed in today at 145, so I need to start doing better with my eating.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Day 708 - 5k run & PAP Upper
The weather was actually pretty nice today. It was above 40 when I got out for my run. I did 5k, but had to stop at half way and walk for a minute before making the turn. My initial pace was pretty quick, so that explains being wiped at the halfway mark.
This afternoon I did PAP Upper. That felt good to work the upper body and lower all in one day. I also stayed within my 2400 calories today. Bonus.
This afternoon I did PAP Upper. That felt good to work the upper body and lower all in one day. I also stayed within my 2400 calories today. Bonus.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Day 707 - X2 Yoga
Okay, Wednesday was a rest day and I just plain slacked off on Thursday because it was a brutal work day and I felt like crap by the time I got home. But, tonight I got back into the swing of things by doing X2 Yoga. I did do Yoga last week, so it's good that I didn't skip again. I also did 14 chin-ups before the Yoga workout. Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be better, so I plan to get out for a run in the morning. I'm actually looking forward to that.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Day 706 - X2 Ab Ripper
Tonight I started off with Ab Ripper and then finished the rest of the workout that I had started last night with Chest + Back + Balance. It wasn't too bad tonight, so I suspect it won't be long until I can get through the workout without having to split it. But, I must confess that I like doing it over a 2-night span because it allows my arms to recover some and get a quick second workout to build muscle. Eating went pretty well today. Yesterday I was way too high on calories, so hopefully tonight I can do a better job of keeping my eating in check.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Day 705 - Chest + Back + Balance
I got in my workout tonight. I did about 2/3 of this workout and plan to finish it tomorrow along with Ab Ripper. I can start to see some definition returning, so that is encouraging me to keep up with the workouts. My back continues to feel pretty good. Lately I've been eating more, so I have to be careful not to overdo the calories. I'm staying pretty steady at 142 right now.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Day 704 - Base & Back
It's been months since I last did this workout, so I had some doubts about trying it. But, I had my last visit (hopefully) to the physical therapist this week and he said I was now doing well enough that I should be able to continue to manage my ongoing recovery from home. So, I thought I would give this workout a try again. I remember it being quite the cardio workout and once again it didn't disappoint on that. I considered skipping the second half and doing Ab ripper instead, but decided to try to get all the way through it. I'm glad I did. I'm pretty tired after finishing, but I know I got a lot out of it.
Day 703 - 5K Run in Florida
I forgot to post this on Wednesday. I was in Orlando for a conference, so I got out for a 5K run in the morning in some nice weather. My time was around 8:45/mile. Not great, but not terrible either. It's was extremely flat, so that helped some. Later that day I spent the entire day walking around the conference from booth to booth. One of the guys I was with had a fitbit on and he said we did 17,000 steps that day. Okay, that will work.
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